Last week, in 3º ESO we read a text related to ancient traditions of indigenous Australians (these people have strong spiritual connection to the land, they share stories through dance, art or music from generation to generation,and they celebrate male and female rituals as that one which marks the passage from childhood to adulthood).
But do you know about the reality of these people? This video will help you to understand some aspects about Australian history and the British civilization.
were not particularly happy to be taken there, to call that place Home.
In 1788- First settlers in
Independence .
It took them almost a century to accommodate the language to the Australian reality. Sometimes they borrowed terms from the aborigins.
was a land where time did not exist: timeless land. The aborigins had a
completely different view of life: circular, never ending..."the dreamtime": no
linear time past-present-future.
Then, it became a weird place, it was immense, unknown, but it was also a place where there
was no real time, desert, nothingness, scary,
unknown, timeless... huge land that meant a test for people that were not used to be threaten by the unknown, vegetation, animals...
Bay was the first settlement on the shore, when the first fleet arrived there
by Captain Cook; they discovered a gap that nowadays is Sydney
Harbour (port Jackson ). The first fleet arrived at the end of January (there was summer) very hot and humidity. People crossed the Blue Mountains , the river and flew into the centre of the
country. Australia
was maybe a paradise, to change the views of the country.
country didn`t belong to the settlers; they were just observers at first. The Europeans were not ready to adapt to that land, but in fact
the land was full of possibilities.
Listen to the apology of the Prime Minister of Australia
and discuss these questions with your classmates and
Did you find the video
interesting? In what way?
Did you know anything about
Australia? Has anything made you change your mind about it?
Did you find any similarities or
differences with your own culture? Did you feel
united to the new culture? In what way?
Did the British show a
respectful attitude towards Australian culture?
e) Does this matter remind you of
any cultural matter from your own country? Are we so different? Why?
Looking forward to seeing your comments!